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Sendwithus Overview

Sendwithus (now Dyspatch) is a transactional email management platform designed to streamline the creation, testing, and delivery of email communications. It enables teams to collaborate on email templates, manage versions, and integrate seamlessly with various email service providers, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of transactional email workflows.

Key Features of Sendwithus

  • Email Template Management: Create, edit, and version control email templates with a user-friendly interface.
  • Collaboration Tools: Enable team members to work together on email content with built-in approval workflows.
  • A/B Testing: Conduct split tests to optimize email performance and engagement.
  • ESP Integration: Seamlessly connect with various email service providers for message delivery.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Track email performance metrics to improve campaign effectiveness.

What Makes Sendwithus Unique

  • Visual Editor: Intuitive drag-and-drop interface for creating responsive email templates without coding knowledge.
  • Dynamic Content: Personalize emails with conditional logic and variable content based on recipient data.
  • Localization Support: Manage multi-language email templates efficiently with built-in localization features.
  • Template Inheritance: Create modular email components that can be reused across multiple templates, ensuring brand consistency.
  • Approval Workflows: Implement customizable approval processes to maintain quality control over email content.

Is Sendwithus Right for Me?

Sendwithus is ideal for businesses of all sizes that rely heavily on transactional and triggered emails as part of their customer communication strategy. It's particularly valuable for companies with multiple teams involved in email creation and management, such as marketing, product, and development departments.

Signs You Need Sendwithus

You're struggling to maintain consistency across email communications
  • Inconsistent branding across different email types
  • Difficulty enforcing style guidelines
  • Multiple team members creating email content independently

When Sendwithus Isn’t the Right Fit

You primarily send bulk marketing emails
  • Focus on large-scale newsletter campaigns
  • Limited need for personalized, triggered emails

Customizing Sendwithus

  • Template Customization: Create and modify email templates using the visual editor or HTML
  • Workflow Configuration: Set up custom approval processes and user roles
  • API Integration: Use the Sendwithus API to integrate with existing systems and automate processes
  • Dynamic Content Rules: Define rules for personalizing email content based on recipient data
  • Localization Settings: Configure language preferences and manage translations for multi-language support

Is Sendwithus Worth It?

Sendwithus offers substantial value for businesses seeking to streamline and optimize their transactional and marketing email processes. Its template management, version control, and collaboration features can significantly improve email workflow efficiency and consistency, potentially leading to higher engagement rates and customer satisfaction. The software is particularly worth it for medium to large organizations with complex email needs and multiple teams involved in email creation, but smaller companies with straightforward email requirements might find more cost-effective solutions elsewhere.

How Much Does Sendwithus Cost?

Pricing is one of the most important evaluation factors when buying software. We have pricing insights contributed by current and former customers of Sendwithus to help you make the best purchasing decision for your use case.

Competitors to Sendwithus

Vendor Reasons to Consider Best For
Sendgrid Robust email delivery infrastructure and marketing campaign features Companies requiring high-volume email sending capabilities and basic marketing tools
Bird Simple email editor and template management for small teams Small businesses or startups with basic transactional email needs
Postmark Focus on fast and reliable delivery of transactional emails Developers and companies prioritizing email deliverability and performance
Mailgun Developer-friendly email API with powerful parsing capabilities Technical teams requiring advanced email automation and processing features
Customer.io Behavioral email marketing platform with advanced segmentation Companies focusing on behavior-driven email campaigns and customer journeys
Mandrill Transactional email add-on for Mailchimp users Existing Mailchimp customers needing transactional email capabilities

Open Source Alternatives to Sendwithus

Projects Reasons to Consider Best For
Mautic Comprehensive marketing automation platform with email capabilities Companies seeking an all-in-one marketing solution with email management features
Postal Self-hosted email sending platform with template management Technical teams wanting full control over their email infrastructure
Mailtrain Newsletter and transactional email management system Organizations needing a simple, self-hosted solution for managing email campaigns