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UserTesting Overview

UserTesting is a user research platform that enables companies to gather real-time feedback on their digital products, websites, and user experiences. It provides a quick and efficient way to conduct remote user testing, allowing businesses to make data-driven decisions and improve their customer experiences.

Key Features of UserTesting

  • Remote User Testing: Conduct moderated or unmoderated tests with participants from around the world.
  • Video Recordings: Capture user interactions, verbal feedback, and facial expressions during testing sessions.
  • Customizable Test Plans: Create tailored test scenarios and tasks to address specific research questions.
  • Participant Sourcing: Access a diverse panel of testers or recruit your own participants.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Generate insights from test results with built-in analysis tools and shareable highlight reels.

What Makes UserTesting Unique

  • Live Conversation Feature: Conduct real-time interviews with participants for in-depth qualitative insights.
  • Intelligent Insights: AI-powered analysis to quickly identify patterns and key findings from test results.
  • Mobile App Testing: Test native mobile apps on iOS and Android devices with screen recording and gesture capture.
  • Template Library: Access pre-built test plans for common research scenarios, saving time in test creation.
  • Integration Ecosystem: Seamlessly connect with popular tools like Slack, Jira, and Adobe XD for streamlined workflows.

Is UserTesting Right for Me?

UserTesting is ideal for product managers, UX designers, and marketers who need quick, actionable insights on user behavior and preferences. It's particularly valuable for companies focused on improving digital experiences across websites, apps, and prototypes.

Signs You Need UserTesting

You're launching new products or features regularly
  • Frequent product iterations
  • Need for rapid user feedback
  • High stakes product launches

When UserTesting Isn’t the Right Fit

You have a very niche or specialized target audience
  • Highly technical or industry-specific products
  • Need for expert users in testing

Customizing UserTesting

  • Custom Screener Questions: Create specific criteria to recruit the right participants for your tests.
  • Test Plan Editor: Design custom test scenarios, tasks, and follow-up questions.
  • Participant Sourcing: Choose between UserTesting's panel, your own customers, or a mix of both.
  • Custom Metrics: Define and track specific metrics relevant to your research goals.
  • Branded Test Environments: Customize the testing interface with your company's branding.

Is UserTesting Worth It?

UserTesting is worth it for businesses that prioritize user-centered design and want to make data-driven decisions about their digital products. The platform's ability to provide rapid, high-quality user feedback can significantly improve product development cycles, increase user satisfaction, and ultimately drive business growth. However, for small startups or businesses with limited digital offerings, the cost of UserTesting might be harder to justify, as the volume of insights needed may not align with the platform's pricing structure.

How Much Does UserTesting Cost?

Pricing is one of the most important evaluation factors when buying software. We have pricing insights contributed by current and former customers of UserTesting to help you make the best purchasing decision for your use case.

Competitors to UserTesting

Vendor Reasons to Consider Best For
Maze Offers quantitative insights and integrates well with design tools Designers looking for rapid prototype testing and quantitative data
Lyssna Specializes in voice-of-customer research and sentiment analysis Companies focused on customer feedback analysis and improving customer experience
Userlytics Provides a wide range of testing options including eye-tracking studies Companies needing diverse testing methodologies, including specialized studies
TestingTime Focuses on recruiting high-quality participants for user research Companies needing very specific participant demographics for their studies