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Spreedly Overview

Spreedly is a cloud-based payment orchestration platform designed to simplify and secure online transactions. It allows businesses to store and tokenize customer payment data, connect to multiple payment gateways, and manage the entire payment lifecycle across various providers and geographies.

Key Features of Spreedly

  • Unified API: Access multiple payment services through a single API, simplifying integration and management.
  • Gateway-Agnostic: Store payment data independently of gateways, allowing easy switching between providers.
  • Vault and Tokenization: Securely store and tokenize sensitive payment information, reducing PCI DSS compliance scope.
  • Express Integrations: Quickly integrate popular payment services using pre-built modules.
  • Test Environment: Comprehensive sandbox for testing integrations and payment flows before going live.

What Makes Spreedly Unique

  • Account Updater: Automatically update stored card details to reduce failed transactions and improve customer experience.
  • Network Tokenization: Support for network tokens, enhancing security and improving authorization rates.
  • Dynamic Routing: Intelligently route transactions based on custom rules for optimal performance and cost.
  • Multi-Gateway Support: Connect to over 120 payment gateways and third-party services globally.
  • 3D Secure Support: Enable 3D Secure authentication to comply with SCA requirements and reduce fraud.

Is Spreedly Right for Me?

Spreedly is ideal for e-commerce businesses, subscription services, and marketplaces that require flexibility in payment processing across multiple geographies or providers. It's particularly valuable for companies looking to optimize their payment stack, reduce dependency on single providers, and maintain control over customer payment data.

Signs You Need Spreedly

You're expanding into new markets or geographies
  • Need to support multiple currencies
  • Require integration with local payment methods
  • Expanding to regions with different regulatory requirements

When Spreedly Isn’t the Right Fit

You have simple payment needs with low transaction volume
  • Processing fewer than 1,000 transactions per month
  • Only need to support a single payment gateway
  • No plans for international expansion

Customizing Spreedly

  • Custom Gateway Integrations: Develop integrations with specific gateways not currently supported.
  • Webhook Configuration: Set up custom notifications for various payment events.
  • Routing Rules: Create complex routing logic based on transaction characteristics.
  • API Customization: Tailor API calls to match specific business requirements.
  • Retention Strategies: Implement custom retry logic and account updater workflows.

Is Spreedly Worth It?

Spreedly is worth it for businesses that process a high volume of payments across multiple payment providers or need to securely store customer payment information. Its ability to tokenize and vault payment data, while providing flexibility in payment routing, can significantly reduce PCI compliance scope and improve transaction success rates. For small businesses with simple payment needs or those using a single payment gateway, Spreedly's features might be more than necessary, and a simpler, direct integration with a payment provider could be more cost-effective.

How Much Does Spreedly Cost?

Pricing is one of the most important evaluation factors when buying software. We have pricing insights contributed by current and former customers of Spreedly to help you make the best purchasing decision for your use case.

Competitors to Spreedly

Vendor Reasons to Consider Best For
Stripe Comprehensive payment platform with built-in fraud prevention and global reach Startups and SMBs looking for an all-in-one payment solution
Primer Unified checkout and payments infrastructure with no-code workflow editor Businesses requiring highly customizable payment flows without extensive development resources
Gr4vy Cloud-native payment orchestration with emphasis on scalability and customization Enterprise-level businesses with complex payment requirements and high transaction volumes
Braintree Robust payment gateway with strong mobile SDK support Mobile-first businesses and marketplaces
Adyen End-to-end payment platform with strong focus on enterprise-level features Large multinational companies with complex payment needs