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LaunchDarkly Overview

LaunchDarkly is a feature management platform that enables software teams to control and deploy new features safely and efficiently. It allows developers to separate code deployments from feature releases, providing the ability to toggle features on or off for specific users or segments without redeploying code.

Key Features of LaunchDarkly

  • Feature Flags: Create and manage feature flags to control the visibility and behavior of features in your application.
  • User Targeting: Roll out features to specific users, groups, or segments based on attributes or custom rules.
  • A/B Testing: Conduct experiments by releasing different feature variations to user segments and analyzing the results.
  • Automated Rollouts: Gradually release features to larger audiences using percentage-based rollouts or custom rules.
  • SDKs and Integrations: Integrate LaunchDarkly with various programming languages, frameworks, and development tools.

What Makes LaunchDarkly Unique

  • Real-time Updates: Change feature flags instantly without requiring app restarts or new deployments.
  • Experimentation at Scale: Conduct large-scale A/B tests and multivariate experiments across your user base.
  • Access Control: Implement role-based access control for managing feature flags across teams and projects.

Is LaunchDarkly Right for Me?

LaunchDarkly is ideal for software development teams looking to implement feature flags and continuous delivery practices. It's particularly valuable for organizations seeking to reduce deployment risks, conduct experiments, and manage feature releases across multiple environments and user segments.

Signs You Need LaunchDarkly

You're struggling with long release cycles
  • Frequent delays in feature releases
  • Difficulty coordinating releases across teams
  • Need for more frequent deployments

When LaunchDarkly Isn’t the Right Fit

You have a simple application with infrequent updates
  • Small user base with homogeneous needs
  • Minimal need for feature experimentation

Customizing LaunchDarkly

  • Custom Rules: Create complex targeting rules using user attributes and custom properties
  • Environments: Set up multiple environments (e.g., development, staging, production) with different flag configurations
  • Integrations: Connect LaunchDarkly with your existing tools and workflows (CI/CD, analytics, monitoring)
  • API Access: Use the LaunchDarkly API to programmatically manage flags and targeting rules
  • Custom Roles: Define custom user roles with granular permissions for managing flags and environments

Is LaunchDarkly Worth It?

LaunchDarkly is worth it for software development teams of all sizes seeking to reduce deployment risks, increase release velocity, and gain more control over feature rollouts. Its feature flagging and experimentation capabilities can lead to significant improvements in product quality, user experience, and development efficiency. For large enterprises or teams with complex release processes and a need for fine-grained control over feature releases, they'll appreciate LaunchDarkly's advanced targeting and analytics features.

How Much Does LaunchDarkly Cost?

Pricing is one of the most important evaluation factors when buying software. We have pricing insights contributed by current and former customers of LaunchDarkly to help you make the best purchasing decision for your use case.

Competitors to LaunchDarkly

Vendor Reasons to Consider Best For
Amplitude Strong focus on product analytics and experimentation Companies prioritizing data-driven product decisions and user behavior analysis
Split Offers feature flagging with a strong emphasis on experimentation and analytics Organizations looking for a balance between feature management and experimentation capabilities
Statsig Combines feature flagging with robust experimentation and analytics features Data-driven teams that want to run complex experiments and analyze results in-depth
VWO Focuses on A/B testing and conversion optimization Marketing teams and organizations primarily interested in website optimization and experimentation
Optimizely Offers feature flagging, A/B testing, and personalization capabilities Large enterprises looking for a comprehensive experimentation and feature management platform
ConfigCat Simpler, more cost-effective feature flag management Smaller teams or startups with basic feature flagging needs and budget constraints

Open Source Alternatives to LaunchDarkly

Projects Reasons to Consider Best For
Unleash Provides feature toggle management with a focus on performance and scalability Organizations looking for a self-hosted solution with enterprise-grade capabilities
Flagsmith Offers feature flagging and remote config management with a user-friendly interface Teams wanting a balance between simplicity and advanced features in a self-managed solution
Flipt Lightweight feature flag solution with a focus on simplicity and performance Small to medium-sized teams looking for a straightforward, self-hosted feature flag system
Growthbook Combines feature flags with experimentation and analytics capabilities Data-driven teams wanting to implement feature flags and A/B testing in a single platform