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Jellyfish Overview

Jellyfish is a software engineering management platform designed to help engineering leaders align their teams with business objectives. It provides visibility into engineering operations, enabling data-driven decision-making and improved resource allocation across software development projects.

Key Features of Jellyfish

  • Engineering Metrics Dashboard: Centralized view of key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics for engineering teams.
  • Resource Allocation Insights: Analyze how engineering resources are distributed across projects and initiatives.
  • Automated Data Collection: Integrates with popular development tools to gather data without manual input.
  • Project Progress Tracking: Monitor the status and progress of engineering projects in real-time.
  • Team Performance Analytics: Measure and compare team productivity, efficiency, and output over time.

What Makes Jellyfish Unique

  • OKR Alignment: Directly links engineering efforts to company Objectives and Key Results (OKRs).
  • Predictive Insights: Uses machine learning to forecast project completion and identify potential bottlenecks.
  • Cost of Delay Analysis: Quantifies the financial impact of delayed or extended engineering projects.
  • Engineering Allocation Optimization: Suggests optimal resource distribution based on business priorities and team capacity.
  • Cross-functional Collaboration Tools: Facilitates communication between engineering, product, and business teams.

Is Jellyfish Right for Me?

Jellyfish is ideal for mid-size to large organizations with complex engineering operations and multiple ongoing projects. It's particularly suited for companies seeking to align their engineering efforts with business goals and optimize resource allocation across diverse initiatives.

Signs You Need Jellyfish

Difficulty tracking engineering productivity
  • Inability to measure team output accurately
  • Lack of visibility into individual and team performance
  • Challenges in identifying bottlenecks in the development process

When Jellyfish Isn’t the Right Fit

Small engineering teams with simple project structures
  • Teams of less than 1000 engineers
  • Single-product focus with minimal project complexity

Customizing Jellyfish

  • Integration Configuration: Customize data sources by connecting Jellyfish to your specific development tools and platforms.
  • Custom Metrics and KPIs: Define and track metrics that are most relevant to your organization's goals and processes.
  • Customizable Dashboards: Create tailored views and reports for different stakeholders and teams.
  • Workflow Adaptation: Adjust Jellyfish's processes to match your existing engineering workflows and methodologies.
  • API Access: Utilize Jellyfish's API to integrate its data and insights into your other internal tools and systems.

Is Jellyfish Worth It?

Jellyfish is worth it for mid-size to large engineering organizations seeking to optimize their software development processes and align engineering efforts with business objectives. Its data-driven insights and metrics can lead to improved resource allocation, enhanced productivity, and better strategic decision-making in software development. For smaller teams, Jellyfish is likely not a good fit.

How Much Does Jellyfish Cost?

Pricing is one of the most important evaluation factors when buying software. We have pricing insights contributed by current and former customers of Jellyfish to help you make the best purchasing decision for your use case.

Competitors to Jellyfish

Vendor Reasons to Consider Best For
Code Climate Focuses on code quality metrics and engineering analytics Teams prioritizing code quality improvement and developer productivity
GitClear Specializes in developer productivity metrics derived from version control data Organizations seeking detailed insights into individual developer contributions and coding patterns
Linearb Offers delivery pipeline analytics and team-based metrics Teams focused on improving their development pipeline efficiency and delivery speed
Pluralsight Flow Provides detailed engineering insights and skills assessments Companies looking to combine engineering analytics with developer skill development
Waydev Offers Git analytics and engineering management insights Organizations seeking to improve developer productivity and engineering processes
Swarmia Focuses on engineering effectiveness and team collaboration metrics Teams looking to improve collaboration and align engineering work with business objectives

Open Source Alternatives to Jellyfish

Projects Reasons to Consider Best For
SonarQube Provides code quality and security analysis Teams primarily focused on improving code quality and security, rather than overall engineering management
Redash Allows creation of custom dashboards from various data sources Organizations with in-house data analysis capabilities looking to build custom engineering metrics dashboards