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EveryoneSocial Overview

EveryoneSocial is an employee advocacy platform designed to empower employees to share company content and engage with their professional networks. It enables organizations to amplify their brand reach, drive leads, and improve employee engagement through social media.

Key Features of EveryoneSocial

  • Content Curation and Distribution: Easily curate and distribute relevant content to employees for sharing
  • Analytics and Reporting: Track engagement, reach, and ROI of employee advocacy efforts
  • Gamification and Rewards: Motivate employees with leaderboards, challenges, and rewards
  • Mobile App: Enable sharing on-the-go with iOS and Android mobile applications
  • Integration Capabilities: Connect with popular CRM, marketing, and social media tools

What Makes EveryoneSocial Unique

  • AI-Powered Content Recommendations: Leverages artificial intelligence to suggest personalized content for each employee
  • Multi-Language Support: Facilitates global employee advocacy with support for multiple languages
  • Custom Branding: Allows complete customization of the platform to match company branding
  • Employee-Generated Content: Encourages and facilitates employees to create and share their own content
  • Advanced Segmentation: Enables targeted content distribution based on employee roles, interests, or departments

Is EveryoneSocial Right for Me?

EveryoneSocial is ideal for medium to large enterprises looking to leverage their employees' social networks for brand amplification, lead generation, and talent acquisition. It's particularly suited for companies with a distributed workforce or those in B2B sectors where thought leadership and professional networking are crucial.

Signs You Need EveryoneSocial

You're struggling to increase your brand's social media reach
  • Low engagement rates on company social posts
  • Limited growth in social media followers
  • Difficulty reaching new audience segments

When EveryoneSocial Isn’t the Right Fit

You're a small business with limited social media presence
  • Few employees active on social media
  • Limited resources for content creation
  • Minimal social media marketing strategy

Customizing EveryoneSocial

  • Content Categories: Create custom categories to organize content based on topics, departments, or campaigns
  • User Groups: Set up groups to target content distribution and track performance by team or department
  • Gamification Rules: Customize point systems, challenges, and rewards to align with company culture and goals
  • API Access: Integrate EveryoneSocial with existing tools and workflows using the available API

Is EveryoneSocial Worth It?

EveryoneSocial is worth it for medium to large companies seeking to amplify their brand reach and empower employees as brand advocates on social media. The platform's ability to streamline content sharing, measure employee engagement, and track ROI can boost a company's social media presence and lead generation efforts. For smaller businesses or those without a strong focus on employee advocacy, the software's advanced features and pricing might exceed their current needs.

How Much Does EveryoneSocial Cost?

Pricing is one of the most important evaluation factors when buying software. We have pricing insights contributed by current and former customers of EveryoneSocial to help you make the best purchasing decision for your use case.

Competitors to EveryoneSocial

Vendor Reasons to Consider Best For
GaggleAMP Offers similar employee advocacy features with a focus on ease of use Small to medium-sized businesses new to employee advocacy
Sociabble Provides a comprehensive internal communications platform alongside advocacy features Companies looking to combine internal communications with employee advocacy
PostBeyond Strong focus on content curation and personalization Organizations with diverse content needs across multiple departments or regions
Hootsuite Amplify Integration with Hootsuite's social media management platform Companies already using Hootsuite for social media management